LISA from Hamburg

- loves hip hop - could eat anything after class !

What is your favourite thing about blackBIKE?

“blackBIKE just doesn’t get boring. No matter how many classes I teach it gets me every single time. Not only from the fitness perspective but mentally as well. It calms me down and gives me peace of mind.” - LISA

What is your motivation of being a Motivator?

“I’m living the job description!! I live to motivate people. You have no idea how much it means to me if a rider comes up to me after a class or even texts me on Instagram to tell me how much they took out of the class. It’s the connection with people.” - LISA

Why did you want to become a Motivator?

“After I first started as a customer I just didn’t want it to stop! So I kept going to so many classes that it felt like a natural next step to try out for the podium at some point. And luckily it worked out.” - LISA

Favourite moment at blackBIKE so far?

“My very first class. A whole bunch of my friends came to support me and made my start feel super special. I try to carry that type of appreciation into every single class ever since.” - LISA

Favourite exercise on the bike?

“I LOVE JUMPS! I just feel like the energy in the room builds up best during these songs.” - LISA

Why should I book your class?

“Simply because I’m a motivation monster. I won’t let you out of the blackBOX if you’re not feeling at least a little bit better about yourself. I got you! <3” - LISA